We have tried everything, and what has worked for us is "Fresh Cab". I first used moth balls and the smell permeated everything. Needless to say the DW raised holey heck with me, and it didn't work anyway. I have come to the conclusion that if you don't get mice, it is because they are not in the area you are at. This last fall, on our last trip, we saw signs of a mouse, set out traps and glue pads, and then fresh cab when we got home. Nothing in traps or pads, so the fresh cab must have convince it to leave. As for using a strong light to find possible areas of entry, good luck. Someone mentioned the shore line and sewer hose, these are strong entries for rodents. I used fire stop caulking to caulk around the cable, and re-plumbed the drain to extend below the basement. Did the same for the fresh water hook-up. Check the roof vent for the ref, as if there is a small hole in it, they can climb up to the roof and get in there, or they are dropping from low branches of trees.
Good luck to all keeping rodents out.