Daveinet wrote:
Bumpyroad wrote:
Daveinet wrote:
Or you can just throw the thing away and get a proportional system that is going to work much better for about 450 bucks. That is the cost of the basic Ready Brake.
back to the proportional Kool Aid.
Bump is referring to the fact that the word 'proportional' is abused a lot by various supplemental brake manufacturers, and folks tend to drink that proportional 'kool aid' right up.
Truth is, by the true definition of 'proportional', almost NONE of the toad braking systems out there truly are proportional. Only ones that are would be ones that work directly off the coach's air brakes. The M&G system and Air Force One are the only two I know of that fit this bill. Nice systems, but very expensive, and require you to have a MH that has full air brakes (obscenely expensive, haha).
Anyway, getting back to what what Daveinet originally said about Readybrake: Minus the 'proportional' word, I agree 110% with him. Readybrake IMO is sooo much better a solution than any of the 'brake in a box' systems.