willald wrote:
Truth is, by the true definition of 'proportional', almost NONE of the toad braking systems out there truly are proportional. ...
Anyway, getting back to what what Daveinet originally said about Readybrake: Minus the 'proportional' word, I agree 110% with him. Readybrake IMO is sooo much better a solution than any of the 'brake in a box' systems.
Ready Brake is proportional and is the only closed loop system. The rate of braking is proportional to the stopping rate of the motorhome. Meaning they are matched. I can fully attest to this, as when I originally set up the counter spring, I towed my 4600 LBS Grand Cherokee with my 3100 LBS older Cherokee. I set the counter spring for a completely neutral impact under any and all braking conditions. Regardless of if I braked hard or soft, the toad braking rate was completely proportional to the braking rate of my light weight Jeep. If a 3100 lbs vehicle can stop a 4600 LBS vehicle with no difference in peddle effort at
any braking rate, one can confidently conclude that the toad braking rate is directly proportional to the braking rate of the tow vehicle. The method for achieving proportionality may be different, but it is absolutely proportional.