Forum Discussion

On_the_road_wi2's avatar
Aug 22, 2016

Mobile internet

Hi All, We are new to the part time Rving thing, we used to be just weekenders and as of this year can now get away for a whole 2 months. Yay for us!
Anyhow, our current Provider Bell does not offer a great plan for us to travel to the U.S. for 2 months and so I am looking for something that offer unlimited if that exists? We don't watch alot of TV but we do download a ton.

Any suggestions?

  • I have a Verizon pre-paid mobile internet device that I bought outright and add time/data to when needed. It's $60 for 5 GB over a 2 month period. I can add less, as low as $15 for one week, or as much as $90 for more GB. I forget how many comes with the $90.
  • On the road with Sly wrote:
    .. I am looking for something that offer unlimited if that exists?
    Unlimited data? No.

    Google might be your friend on this one. Plans change frequently. Verizon has the best coverage. That's really what you're paying for- something that works when you need it to.
  • Straight Talk wireless from Walmart can be bought month to month and can provide unlimited phone 5 and 10 GB data plans. Not sure if they are compatible to your existing phone but getting a compatible phone is not that expensive, especially if you do not mind a used phone to use for two months.
  • None that you can aford. Verizon has the best overall coverage, but unlimited? Not going to happen for less than 5-6 hundred a month. You would be far better off with one of the US satelite providers and a pay as you go phone plan from places like WalMart.