Forum Discussion

TippleUnduly's avatar
Jan 13, 2014

More Chevys needed?

I am frustrated by B+ mfr's limited chassis offerings and wonder if I am alone?!

Though I own 2 Fords, my strong chassis preference is Chevy. We drove 2 identical class C's, one on the Ford and the other on the Chevy. After moving from the "OK" Ford to the Chevy, it only took moments to know the Chevy was our clear choice. You've heard the reasons before - better ride, better MPG, roomier cab footroom, cool engine housing, better handling without aftermarket addons, and the quieter smooth sound of a V8.

But now that we are investigating a new coach, we find 95% are available only on a Ford. One mfr. told me it was because they could not count on GM to deliver when needed. They said Chevy chassis are built on the same production line as SUV's and if the SUV market picks up, the chassis get sidelined.

I'd like to think there are enough Chevy fans out there to bring change to the marketplace by letting mfrs know their sole chassis offering is costing them sales. Whaddya think? Do you agree?
  • TippleUnduly wrote:
    One mfr. told me it was because they could not count on GM to deliver when needed.

    This is absolutely true. In the last 6 years GM has idled Express cutaway production twice, and the 2nd time the 4500 version was put on hold indefinitely. It took 2 years for that product to resume, and probably only did so because Ford stopped offering the diesel, so GM saw a market share opportunity.

    Also, the Express 4500 still has less capacity (front axle and GCWR) than the E450, so if a maker wants to use one chassis for their entire line-up, only the E450 can fit that role.
  • I certainly agree. When I went looking for my 2nd RV, it was a Chevy that I wanted after my lousy handling Ford based B. Fortunately I found what I wanted with my Libero, but they aren't cheap...
  • Ditto here. Not only do we need more Chevy chassises, but other makes too, particularly for the Class C market. More V-6s, more small diesels; they are in great demand but the choices are few. I'm constantly looking for my next MH and each time I see one powered by a Ford V-10 I skip to the next listing. I notice that Winnebago Rialtas and other V-6 powered vehicles usually sell for more than a 38-40 MHs of the same age with more luxury features. Some of the most expensive MHs being sold today are Class Bs powered by Mercedes diesels. I read on these forums that campers should quit worrying about fuel prices and just have fun. Glad I own some oil stocks and not auto shares. Once again American auto companies are going to give away the market to foreign manufacturers. Example: The new Dodge 6s from Fiat. Winnebago's Trend will be powered by a Fiat. Nuff said.
  • I would guess there is a lot of inertia at work. Ford has dominated the Class C market for several years and the RV makers are not going to change unless/until it makes them more money. Mark me down as a fan of the Chevy C chassis.
  • Not sure about the newer models but for many years there was a marked difference in the amount the two could haul down the road. GM may have made up this difference in recent years.