Forum Discussion

mc_cc's avatar
Jul 26, 2013

Motorhome ski trip to resorts around Denver at Christmas

Hey everyone. I posted a similar topic to this in December, but I am still contemplating a trip in my motorhome to the Denver vicinity for skiing those two weeks of Christmas and New Years. Has anyone done this type of trip? I mentioned Tiger Run RV resort in my past post, but after seeing some of the pics and hearing some not-so-pleasant frozen tundra stories, I decided to scratch that idea. Has anyone stayed at a lower elevation RV park and shuttled to the ski resorts at Christmas? Any recommendations, or is this just a bad idea all together?
  • Have not stayed there , but have been through this resort while staying in Park City. Looked good , and at a lot lower elevation than Tiger Run by around 2000 ft
  • wrote:
    How far from Salt Lake City are the Ski resorts? This sounds like it may be a better option.

    SLC snow

    As I mentioned we did the SLC Christmas for 10 years with the kids and then Another 10 with the Adults (Anyone want to buy an early December time share in Snowbird?) and in those 20 years we only had one year when we arrived to Little to no snow -- that year while we were there it dropped 78" in Snowbird -- Best year ever.

    We always checked our snow against Vail and it was no contest EVER. Don't get me wrong we love Colorado but my personal experience just leads me to believe early snow most often hits the Wasatch Mountains,JMHO. With the mountains just outside the city we could go to a number of different resorts (9 if I recall) when we stayed in town, then when we got the time share we had Alta, which again IMHO is the best snow on Earth.

    We often ran into a couple of RV's in the parking lot every year so there is a chance you will have company -- Park city has a high end RV Resort which opens up another option for Park City.

  • To get to Salt Lake from "Southeast", you will presumably have to drive through either Colorado or New Mexico, so maybe Colorado or New Mexico make more sense? Since you have the flexibility of making a last-minute decision on exactly where to go, I would 2nd the idea of New Mexico if the snow is good because it is a little warmer. You can camp in Albuquerque or Santa Fe, and use a car to get to both Taos and Santa Fe. If the snow is not good in New Mexico (likely), Keystone, Breckenridge, and Copper are within 75 miles of Denver. The drive from Denver will be unpleasant over the holiday week though! I've lived in both Denver and Albuquerque as an avid skier, and I would much rather ski in New Mexico over the holidays due to less crowding if the snow is adequate.
  • One more reply. Forgot to mention we spent many weekends at Squaw Valley and North Star in the Sierras. Things have changed some but back then we were less than 100 yards from a chair lift. Never had a bad time and so many good times.
  • WE DID TIGER RUN FOR SEVERAL YEARS. No problems. Coldest night was -10. One year the night before we arrived it was -20. Everyone survived. Mostly old farts there. Many spend the season. Block heater, electric heaters for inside. Everyone showers in the rec building. Hot tubs and pool. Wine and cheese party very Thursday. Every one compares their artificial hips and knees. Electric heaters in the water compartment on thermostats. Fill your water tank and bring hose in and put in shower until needed. Sewer hose left out but valves closed until we had to dump. Several feet of snow on the ground. We have a 2001 National Tradewinds DP. Ski areas very close. Everyone should give it a try.
  • Lake Tahoe,
    Camp in Carson Valley or Carson City, Hop, skip and jump to Ski resorts.
  • Another option is skiing Santa Fe, New Mexico. We stayed in Albuquerque (no snow at that time) and drove the 1 hr. drive for skiing. Very nice trails.

    I think Park City for skiing around Salt Lake City would be iffy in an RV. Salt Lake City gets snowstorms and Park City is even higher in the mountains. It's a beautiful place though. The Winter Olympics were held there at one time.
  • How far from Salt Lake City are the Ski resorts? This sounds like it may be a better option.
  • wrote:
    Hey everyone. I posted a similar topic to this in December, but I am still contemplating a trip in my motorhome to the Denver vicinity for skiing those two weeks of Christmas and New Years. Has anyone done this type of trip? I mentioned Tiger Run RV resort in my past post, but after seeing some of the pics and hearing some not-so-pleasant frozen tundra stories, I decided to scratch that idea. Has anyone stayed at a lower elevation RV park and shuttled to the ski resorts at Christmas? Any recommendations, or is this just a bad idea all together?

    Golden Clear Creek if you could get in would work gets you to Breck in just over an hour. The problem is if the sking is good it could be hard to access the resorts.

    Have you thought about SLC for some odd reason in the 20 plus years we skied they always had better snow early before new year's. Alta just seamed to get the best early snow and staying in tbe city was usually great access to all the resorts if they all had the right conditions.
