Forum Discussion

lenny-shawna's avatar
Jul 21, 2016

Mountain driving

Hi All,
We are planning an out west trip this year which will include extensive mountain driving. Yellowstone, Tetons, Glacier are just a few of our planned visits.

My main concern is weather to manually shift the Allison or let her do as she wishes. I do know to use the exhaust break, go down the mountain no faster than I went up and to pump the breaks as opposed to riding them to help keep them cool.

Most of my research indicates to let the transmission decide.

So all you experienced mountaineers I would love to hear your input.

On a side note, any suggestions or must sees would be appreciated. Lastly, should I bring a dehumidifier? I was in NC over the summer and had a tremendous amount of moisture in the coach and do not want a repeat of that.

thank you in advance!
  • You will slow a bit on steep grades but will make it to the top(the computer does a good job)exhaust brake will control the decent. I have a dehumidifier in our closet and keep a humidity meter on the counter .I have had a Winnebago 42qd and now an Entegra 45b (with 600hp) both slow down on steep grades,most people on the forums over worry(arm chair quarterback) drive and enjoy.