I believe you but why would the home not work? We only record one show on the HR24 in the house and that is Dancing With the Stars. It makes us feel good and we keep as many as we can.
The Direct tech had been teching for 15 years. He had an impressive resume. He said the locals would work up to 1200 miles. He has a Direct dish in Maine on his home account in Georgia and says he watches Ga locals in Maine.
If the receiver automatically finds nationals when we leave our area, I'll be fine. If it takes a phone call to get them, I'm good there too.
We have a TV in the RV bedroom and an outside TV but I seriously doubt they'll ever get used. We never had a bedroom TV in 36 years at home. But I suppose I could put the extra receiver in the bedroom and I could start an entirely new thread on how to make them talk to each other. :D
I could have spared you guys a lot of effort if I had just tried plugging the Genie in in the first place. Again, thank you for all the help.