Have you seen recent house price quotes for "in Seattle"? A recent report said that the median house price within the city limits was $750,000. Prices in the suburban communities are quite a bit less.
When I worked for Boeing, which has four major facilities within 40 miles of the city center, we chose to live where my commute time would be roughly the same no matter which facility I was assigned to. In 28 years with the company, I worked at all four. We chose the Bothell/Kirkland area as the place to live and it worked out well. The commute time nowadays are longer than in my Boeing career (retired in 1998), but transit services are much better.
Good luck with your move. Washington is a great place to live. We've been here since 1968, except for a 3-year stint in Tidewater VA. The central plain west of the Cascades has fairly placid weather - not too hot in summer or too cold in winter and low humidity in spring/summer. It can be dull, grey and depressing in Dec./Jan., but the rest of the year is usually pleasant. There's a joke about the weather forecasts in winter that says the recorded forecast of "1000 scattered, 1800 overcast, rain and fog" never gets changed from mid November to early March.