Forum Discussion

Pangaea_Ron's avatar
Aug 31, 2015

Much Wind, and Glad for the Class A!!!

Let's just say that it's been windy here in Anacortes with 70 mph gusts nearby recently. We lost power at home for 31 hours, on for 6 hours, and now off again at midnight with power projected to be restored at midnight Tuesday night?

No Wavecable internet, telephone or cable TV. Verizon cell phone service is possible if I'm outside, standing on one foot, holding the phone to the sky. . . sometimes. Verizon Mi-Fi is the same. Puget Sound Energy is on speed dial.

We've used the 5500 watt MH generator to get power to the refrigerator, freezer, and a charging station in the house. I think that we'll have martinis and movies in the MH tonight. I't truly glad the we have this option and don't have to be outside fighting the wind, rain, and fallen trees like the linemen are facing now.
  • I lived in the area for a time, and year after year, trees blew down on power lines. I guess underground power must be WAY more expensive than I imagine because it has to be expensive to keep repairing these overhead lines every year.
  • I'm familiar with your town. I spent three years at the Whidbey Island NAS, many years ago.

    I would definitely have the RV stocked, fueled and ready to go.

    Hopefully, you will never have to use it for that purpose. But....
  • gbopp

    I absolutely agree. We live on the beach, on an island (with bridges) within easy reach of a tsunami from an earthquake event off the Washington coast. NOAA has done a model that shows a large wave hitting across the bay from us and then reflecting back towards our home. Damage would probably be minimal, but then a large wave develops that will isolate the island for a long, long time.

    We keep the MH stocked and ready to go (or stay) in the event of an emergency.

    Tick, tick, tick.
  • Another plus to having a RV. Emergency shelter.

    You never know when you'll need it. Especially with the 'changing' weather patterns.