Sounds good.. the Chevy motor home chassis line became Workhorse Custom Chassis some time after yours was made.. I happen to be a chevy fan and am sitting on a WCC as I type.
I will make a few recommendations.
Tires: Check the age, if they are not in the single digits replace, if they are in the HIGH single digits, make real good friends with a tire guy and have him check 'em out.
Tire Inflation.. Get the rig weighed, each corner. WHEN loaded for travel,, Then inflate to tire maker's recommendations for that weight, Some like to add 5PSI (I will not argue with that).
Hoses and belts, Inspect, and replace as indicated, carry spare fan belt
WASH AND WAX (improves gas millage).
Finally.. Visit a shopping mall with it, after hours, and practice driving around the mall, backing into a "Site" (parking space) and things in a big open lot where there is nothing to hit but the brakes.