Forum Discussion

klutchdust's avatar
Explorer II
Jul 21, 2014

My 2009 is now a 2008 according to California DMV

Purchased a 09 Itasca Cambria in Minnesota.. Minnesota title said it was a 2009. California DMV says it's a 2008 Ford E450. According to the VIN number ,which is the

chassis number, it is an 08. Door plate says it was made in 05/08. Unit was put together at the factory and sold in 09. I don't really care because number one you can't

get it changed, it is different state by state and number two this coach is worth every penny I paid. It's like brand new with 18,000 miles on it.

Chew on that for awhile.
  • BuckBarker wrote:
    This is an easy one because I had the same problem when moving from AZ to FL. In your case, contact Winnebago and ask for a "Certificate of Origin". It will explain to DMV that your coach was a 2009 built upon a 2008 chassis. The VIN of the chassis will still show it as a 2008 but the letter will be all that is needed to get a correct title. For those with coaches built by companies that are no longer in business then this documentation is near impossible to acquire.

  • If you read the RVIA decision posted above it explains exactly what the process is and tomorrow I will start the process. The clerk at AAA was apologizing for the plate and I found that amusing.
  • Try it with a boat that is a 2014 with a 2013 motor and trailer.
  • Yep that is the way California does it. My 2006 Tioga is registered as a 2005 because of the VIN #
    Now this present a real problem for my insurance company...It is insured for the actual value, BUT if you look it up on NADA or Blue Book, a Tioga 28Q on a Chevy Chassis was only sold in/as 2006.

    They still haven't been able to give me a decent answer on that one....:B

    As for your license plate having 666 on it just the luck of the draw I guess, It is better than what I have....My Social Security # has that on it and I have had people react in horror when I have given it on documents.One person pushed it away and refused to work on it then got another person to finish up the paperwork.
  • Thank you. Now the plate number they issued has the last 3 digits as 666. I found that to be amusing.
  • This is an easy one because I had the same problem when moving from AZ to FL. In your case, contact Winnebago and ask for a "Certificate of Origin". It will explain to DMV that your coach was a 2009 built upon a 2008 chassis. The VIN of the chassis will still show it as a 2008 but the letter will be all that is needed to get a correct title. For those with coaches built by companies that are no longer in business then this documentation is near impossible to acquire.
  • I think Most coaches are built on the previous model year chassis. In NYS it can be a nightmare at titling time if the CLERK is not familiar with Motor homes. Even my insurance agent had the rig as one year older because she went by VIN. It was all straightened out and titled and insured correctly