barth wrote:
JetAonly wrote:
This is common if you don't do a pneumatic system test. You know…. the one you are supposed to do each day before you operate an air brake vehicle.
Yes I do the daily check when I use it. We are talking about releasing the brakes after 6 months of storage.
I didn't know this was a fairly common problem.
The drums will rust slightly very quickly. Given time they will rust to the brake shoes. The cycling of the test will help brake the rust bond. If that doesn't work then with brakes released try going between drive and reverse while applying the brakes, mine have always released at this point. The next option is to ring the drum like a bell with a hammer. If they don't release at this point you likely have another issue, like a cam over on the actuator. This would be the point I would call service.
Good Luck!