Forum Discussion

Mike_M2's avatar
May 11, 2015

My refrigerator repair....

I don't know if anybody here has tried this before but I found it to be the best solution for me. Our late 90's Norcold gave out a bit back one night when the power went out and the fridge went to propane cool. It seems the cooling system rusted through and the ammonia leaked out causing failure. I ordered a new Dometic unit to replace it with and installed it but we hated it. The wood panels didn't fit from my old unit and it seemed cheaper in general. After a week I ended up removing it and sending it back. Fortunately I saved the old unit and decided to fix it. I ordered a replacement cooling unit online for about 600 bucks and changed it out myself. In all it was a pretty simple task, only took about 2 hours total and I got to keep my old fridge which I liked. The cooling units are all one piece and come out the back as a unit. The company I got it from had a video online showing every step. It's been running for about 2 months now, leaving for Florida in 3 days with it.
Before anybody asks, no it is not one that was recalled.... :)
  • yes many people have done this very same thing. a search on either the web or in the Tech forum would have turn it up.

    sorry you are not the first, nor will you be the last. also Videos on YouTube are also available.
  • I decided to replace my Norcold 8142 refrigerator control board rather than replace the refrigerator because it quit running on AC and would only run on LP. Then it quit working on LP. For less than $300.00 and about 1 hour of my labor, I replaced the control board and it works like new. If I had prior experience with replacing the control board, I probably could have done the job a lot faster. The job was not too difficult.
  • If I have to replace one I think I will try the 12 volt version. But I hope it doesn't come to that!
  • I got It from a place in Indiana that makes them. 2 year warranty....
  • Where did you order it from?
    Is it an Amish cooling unit?
  • Glad it is working for you. I changed out a cooling unit on another coach I had. Worked well after that.