ddndoug wrote:
I know everyone has their own idea of how they like to "camp". Having said that.... IMHO in both of those parks RVs are packed way too tight for my comfort. We prefer more of a woodsy setting over a parking lot with a bunch of RVs. We choose to go with Myrtle Beach State Park.
..Only bad thing about Myrtle Beach State park, and why we don't stay there: The state park is situated right on the flight path for planes landing at Myrtle Beach airport. Can be very noisy there, which pretty well destroys the woodsy setting of a state park.
I'll take silent, electric golf carts riding by all day over the roar of commercial jets landing ANY day. :)
That, and the state park doesn't have sewer hookup, nor a pool and other amenities the big RV resorts offer. When we go to Myrtle Beach, we like having those amenities. We save the woodsy state park trips, for places not so touristy.
As far as the RV resorts being packed too tight: Thats why we like Ocean Lakes' reservation setup, that allows you to pick exactly what site you want, and tells you the dimensions, tree location, etc. of all their sites. We make our reservation well in advance, and reserve a site we know gives us plenty of room. I've never felt cramped there.