Starting off with a confession, I have not read the entire thread!
I have a spare. It came with our rig. I have had a flat (Front Right blowout) no damage, just drove off onto the shoulder and stopped. Spare WAS carried in a drivers side compartment about 5 feet off the ground. I did not have a jack or a set of tools that would come close to dealing with this. We were lucky, Cell service was good, for about 1/2 mile in each direction from where we were stopped! 4 hours waiting for road service and we were on our way.
The spare is now mounted on a rear carrier, I have a 42" 3/4 drive breaker bar, an impact wrench, appropriate sockets and a scissors jack to support the breaker bar. I also have a come-a-long so I can lift the tire off the carrier and raise the flat back up.
Now if you never leave civilization you might think you don't need this. I was on US 50 just across the bay bridge out of Annapolis, MD, not out in 'the boonies'
You may not be able to effect a change yourself, but having the proper equipment may enable others to assist you, even another RV in your party. All this said, I have about 25 vehicles in my fleet and flats are nowhere as common as they were 40 years ago, doesn't mean they can't happen.