JimM68 wrote:
When you "lose" a tire on the road, you call your road service company, coachnet or good sam or whoever... and you wait patiently in your nice coach on the side of the highway while the semi's scream past you at 75 mph...
..Unless you 'limp' far enough off the road, to get away from those screaming semis. Depending on the circumstances, this is frequently possible.
If I can't get off the road, at least I'm inside my MH waiting patiently with semis screaming by, not outside changing a tire on the ground just a few feet away from being clobbered by one of those screaming semis. Which would you think is safer? ;)
..I also have a towed vehicle I can easily unhook and use to get everyone away to a location away from those screaming semis while we wait.
..And when road service gets there, they may not have the right size tire on the truck, and they may choose to charge you 3 times what whatever they have is worth, cause, after all, you are stuck on the side of the road with a 2 legged motorcoach...
"MAY" being the operative word here. They also MAY bring the right size tire with them, that you ask them to bring when you talk to them. And if you need it, they MAY just charge you a fair price for that tire.
Thats what happened, in the one instance I had to use ERS, and 2 instances I know of with other people. Fortunately in my case, it turned out I didn't need the new tire they brought, they repaired my tire and only charged me a small fee to do so. We had discussed what the new tire would have costed, though, and it would not have been much different than I would have paid for that tire under any other circumstances.
Like I said, for the amount of $$ potentially being wasted, and equipment sitting, rotting away that may well never get used just to avoid these unlikely "MAY" and "WHAT IF" situations...I don't see the point in carrying a spare.
You can "WHAT IF" and "MAY" things all day. However, I've found over the years that thinking that way all the time will drive you insane, make you want to go live in a cave somewhere cut off from all society, haha. :)
Road service contracts cover the service, not the tire.
..Yep, I'm fully aware of that, as is I would think most anyone that carries a road service contract (or at least they should know that, haha).
If a blowout occurs, you're going to pay for a tire, regardless. Either from the company that brings one, or you will have already paid for it, when you bought the spare you're carrying. Not to mention in many cases you will have also paid for the rack to hold it, impact wrench, etc. as I mentioned.
That was why I made the point that worst case, I break even not carrying a spare. Best (and much more likely) case, I end up ahead $$ wise. And, either way, I'm not risking a debilitating back injury, wrestling that heavy tire.
I'd never leave home without my old unmounted spare. It ain't much, but it's free. It don't take too much space, and it will at least buy me some time.
If I had been provided an unmounted spare that was truly FREE (was it really free?), then I would probably carry it, too, provided I could without it taking up any space in outside storage bins.
However, once that spare rots/ages out, I'm not sure I'd spend more $$ to replace it, as then you have what I described earlier - equipment/$$ wasting away, not being used, for a situation thats not likely to occur very often, anyway.