wanderingaimlessly wrote:
The general consensus that I have read is that;
If you can find someone through a user group that is specifically looking for a toad, AND has already installed the matching equipment in their MH, you may get some premium for your unit.
If you are selling the MH, you may get a reasonable amount added to the MH price since the Towed is already set up for that MH
If you have to sell on local market to a non MH buyer, the add ons to use as a towed will likely be seen as a negative to the vehicles value since it likely has thousands of miles on the chassis and wheels that are not showing on the odometer.
The details of the equipment are such that it wouldn't require anything particular on the MH - just a standard receiver and light-plug (the round one - 6-pin I believe), so it would really be independent of any specific MH setup.
What are you thinking of when you say "user group"? Some kind of local group who own MHs and travel together?