Just a quick tip. When you pick up your rig plan on spending a couple of days there. Have them operate all the systems and make sure they work. It may take some time but will save you a lot of heartache later. Run the fridge, have them start it the day before you get there. Same with hot water LP and electric. Run the Generator, Leveling system, slides, ac, furnace, stove, tvs, stereos I mean everything. Flip all the switches, push all the buttons, turn all the knobs and if you don't understand something have them explain it until you do. Make sure it is right before you take it home. I promise you it will be time well spent. I would suggest up stay a night in it before you drive it home.
Don't ask me or many other members on the forum why we know this to be some of the best advice you could get. Enjoy your new 2nd home.