First of all leave the ladder on. My first used MH had the same thing I just left it. You take the chance of water seepage when you start cutting and trying to fill the holes.
I actually encountered 'getting' leg injuries from that darn step not being deep enough to walk out 'straight'. That little bit of turn you have to make everytime to step down is what did me in after going full time.
1. Here is what I did. Step stool from Ace Hardware reaches bottom of RV door and regular cinder block matches bottom step of step stool. Amazing how the common step stool is the right height for the RV door!

2. If you are parked permanently for awhile here is what I did and within a week all my knee/back pain was gone. These are common cinder block, half cinder block and the lower steps are patio block from Home Depot. Amazingly they are the right height to the RV door!

I ended up using the complete cinder block setup each time I stayed for more than a couple of days at a CG. They are about 1.50 a piece. So for around 10.00 I was PAIN FREE. Well worth the money. And I left them at the CG with CG owner's approval.
I needed the second step down but it is not necessary and the white tape was so I could see the step down at night.
I haven't used those knee twisting back aching RV steps in over 7 years now.