Hi All.
We also have a Rexhall Motorhome, that is rated for #5000 lbs. Gassers were either rated for #3500 lbs or #5000 lbs only.
We tow a Honda CR-V, 4 Wheels Down and with a good Braking System. Our CR-V is no where close to #5000 lbs. We really wouldn't want to tow much more than we already do, even with a Certified #5000 lb Hitch.
Can our Rexhall Dasser handle a Toad at #5000 lbs, max. yes it can. But would we, no way. And I am an Old OTR Trucker of many many years.
Our Rexhall has some pretty darn good Brakes, and we have plenty of power out of our 460 EFI Engine, But I think #5000 lbs would be pushing the very limits, and I sure wouldn't even concider pulling a Trailer that weighs in at #7500 lbs.
Even doing Mods to your Hitch isn't going to cut it. That much weight on a Rexhall Gasser, would probably rip the whole rear of the Motorhome off.
I agree with Dennis, #5000 lbs and over, should be left to the Diesel Pushers, as they can easily handle #5000 lbs and then some if they choose to.
Towing "Over-Weight", is a very Dangerous Game to Play. Just think of the possible Law Suites you would be leaving yourself wide open to to, if your in any accidents, and the Hihway Patrol finds out how much over weght you are towing. It sure isn't wroht the risks or ones Life.
Good Luck. Happy Travels. Dan & Jill