Forum Discussion

jlud's avatar
Aug 27, 2013

New 13 Tiffen Allegro 35QBA realistic price?

After further looking at units I thought out of the price range, some suggested the Tiffin. I have found a new 2013 35qba with some good options...msrp of 141ish...

1. What is a realistic price discount for an Allegro? Hear the 20-30% all the time, from real buyers does this sound right?

2. How much additional for a year old model?

In my mind, im thinking 30% off between the 2, but if anyone has some real experience would appreciate hearing it.

  • It does have the 24,000 chassis. Just got off the phone, already trying to tell me its a newer 13 and not one that has sat out for a year...said doesnt matter to me its still a 13 and need a heck of a buy for the extra immediate depreciation. We shall see....
  • Also take into consideration the chassis when considering a leftover.
    Tiffin went to a 24,000 lb chassis as opposed to a 22,000 on the earlier years. I'm not sure when the switch was made but it was either
    2012 or 2013 so be sure to check. The 24,000 is a much better chassis for the 35 QBA.
  • I wouldn't buy a left over, but that's not your ?.

    I have been shopping, 20% is a standard discount, 25% is pushing the dealer, but can be done.

    As to a leftover it depreciates about 8,000 a year, so if I couldn't get a 35% deal I'd pass.

    Remember as soon as it leaves the dealer it's considered two years old.