your Surge Guard is aging.. What is causing the "HUM".
The solenoids consist of a wire coal around a laminated iron core.. This core is made up of many "Leaves" of iron which are varnished and stuck together before the varnish dries.. When current flows in the coil a magnetic field is generated which causes an armature (moving part) to "Pull in" and contact (on the end of the armature) is made.
I won't talk about the electroincs only the solenoid and most specifically the iron core.
Now the coil is AC
As the unit ages the varnish that holds the leaves starts to dry even nore and eventually it starts to flake off. This allows the leaves to vibrate and :"HUNM"
Another source of HUM is if something prevents the armature fromn pulling ALL the way in (Contact is made at around 90% pull) For example an insect on the core end.. then the armature can "hum" but I've not seen this save on a switch where the insect got not on the armature, but the contact, and I had to go down and clean the thing so the pump would work (My parent's water pump)