down home wrote:
Only way water is getting into your bays from overflows would be inside the coach and leaking down. The tanks are outside the bays and should bee water tight. Take it to the factory and have them fix it. If you can't then as suggested by another poster, the vaseline method of finding the leaks. Check the seal on top under the hinges as you said you hadn't been driving it which would sling water up from the road. The factory put some rubber strips or something behind the seals on two rear compartments on ours. We were getting road dirt in those two, that were for hoses and such not luggage 12-14 years ago.
down home
It looks like you were right. I was storing a box in that bin this morning and a drop of water fell on my arm. I looked up at the ceiling (false floor?) in the bay and there was a small hole on a seam and the hole was wet and I think I saw another drop fall from that hole.
Below is a photo of the storage bay and the ceiling where the water is dripping. I don't think that is the floor because I would fall through that easy and the floor in here feels solid.
Do you have an idea what is causing that, can the service center find it, and will they accept it is covered by warranty or may they say I did something wrong?
Thanks Steve
Photo LinkI can't get the image to appear, but the link above works. Can anyone suggest how to correct my Google photos image above?