Forum Discussion

mark4Jesus's avatar
Jun 28, 2018

New Class A

We are picking up our Thor Axis 25.4 this Saturday, so excited. We have had a 24 ft. travel trailer for a year now and love camping. We went to an RV show in February and decided to look for something different, a little more roomy. I'll be retiring in about 3 years and we want to do some traveling.

We looked at 5th wheels and Class C's. My wife is shorter and could not reach the floor and pedals on larger Class A's. While looking at Class C's, we looked at an Axis and she could comfortable reach the pedals. Then we looked until we found the floorplan we liked best in the Axis.

We are very excited. We had already planned a camping trip next month, so excited. We will plan a weekend trip at a nearby campground so we can get used to the differences and learn how to operate everything.
  • Using all of your systems as close as possible to the house will prepare you for your money trip.
  • Most new rigs arrive at the dealership in need of some repairs/corrections of things done incorrectly or poorly at the factory. Your PDI (Pre delivery inspection) is when you will have the most leverage with the dealer to get those items fixed or corrected, prior to delivery.
    Close attention to detail tomorrow, can save you a lot of headaches and time later.
    Happy Motorin.