The last sixty years I have had to buy a considerable number of tires.
Factory insist on round tires and they get them.
Discount stores and others, I am convinced get a better deal on the same brand and size tire but the things are 3 out of 4 times out of round or warped. They don't sell seconds. They have a mile long list of excuses and even replace the offending tire ostensibly with one that is as or more out of whack.
The only Retailer out side the car Dealer I could count on was the old
NTW and they are long gone. Other retailers have tires that are only available to them or a few others and they are in the same boat except worse.
I hate to buy tires knowing I will have to take them back at least twice.
So I find a good Dealer I remember them.
The last tires we bought for the coach were from a Dealer east of Decaatur that sells a tremendous number and wide variety of big tires for everything from pick ups to combines. The Mitchelins have done great but now one requires a rebalance after three years.