Ray,IN wrote:
I used to think Michelin tires were the best available, but for some time now I've read many posts about Michelin tire problems. Strange that I don't see such posts for other brands.
I can only tell you about the problem we had with our Goodyear 670's. They were less than 6 years in use (Less than 7 by Date code) and only had 52,000 miles on them when we replaced the rear tires. We hadn't seen any problems but decided to replace them when it was convenient for us. Imagine our surprise when they took off the rear tires and we found a sidewall crack more than 5/16 inch wide between the two tires. We had already decided to replace them with Michelin through FMCA.
Where the cracks were had not seen the light of day and the coach was driven very regularly after we purchased it in 2007. At most the coach could have sat for 1 year on the lot based upon manufacture date.
The coach has been four corner weighed at least every 24 months and the tire pressure checked at least twice a month. I don't know what else we could have done to take care of the tires any better.