Being that we travel across the country during our trips, it was well worth our effort to chase down noises and rattles, and done so with great success. This is what we did.
- Full-covering foam rubber drawer liner material for every drawer, cabinet, and every section of the utensil trays, holding the liner in place with carpet tape.
- Placed half sheet paper towels in between noise-making cook ware.
- Using Corning Ware plates & bowls because they are microwavable, store compactly, stack very tightly, and don't rattle because of it.
- Ceramic mugs and such are compartmentalized in a drawer.
- Placed 1/4" thick felt pads under the four feet and wing tips of the crank-up bat-wing antenna.
- Installed spiked "T" nuts to tighten the microwave oven to the cabinet much better. The wood screws came loose often creating a lot of noise.
- Placed silicone pot holders on top of the stove grates and then place the stove cover over them.
- Installed felt pads in strategic places inside the main TV that hangs above the cab area, just over our heads when driving. Doing so stopped all the rattles coming from inside the TV.
- Placed felt pads in effective places for the flip-up counter wing.
- Keep every cabinet full using small square storage baskets to keep smaller items in place. Otherwise the stuff thrashes around.
- Don't over-fill the 6 tires with air. Doing so creates a rougher ride than necessary.
Now when we hear a notable noise, something isn't right.
Our driving experience is a big part of our over-all RV experience. Greatly reducing the noise increased our driving pleasure immensely.