Nitrogen won't cause an explosion if the tires get VERY hot and out-gassing of compounds in the rubber occurs. This happened on a Boeing 727 some years back and one main-gear tire blew. The pressure spike was enough to fail the steel cord in the tire bead in tension. Detailed analysis, which I and a couple of fellow engineers did, suggested the pressure had reached about 12,000 psi before it blew out.
It turned out the airplane had taxied over two miles and had the engines at higher than normal thrust level because the brakes on one wheel were dragging. The burst occurred about 10 minutes after take-off, with the wheels retracted. Boeing and the FAA concurred that nitrogen would not permit the explosion, and it became mandatory to use it on transport category airplanes.
Bottom line - if your RV can accelerate to 150 mph in a couple of miles with a dragging brake and then you can put the wheels into a closed box, you should use nitrogen. Otherwise, don't waste your money!