Faucet screens are clogged.
Yup been there did that I called for a service call on my pump because I had NO water coming into the coach.
The first thing the service guy did when he walked in was to open the aerator on all the faucets. Tiny pieces of sand had plugged all the holes and on all the faucets. Go figure.
These CG wells are far from being new or up to date. Sand is what probably did your regulator in also. I stopped using regulators for this reason. Everyone wants to blame the brand of regulator I blame the CG well filters, i.e. sand.
I clean my screens just about weekly depending on how many CG's I have been in on my travels of fulltiming. I find sand in them all the time. So what you all think is low pressure is probably sand starting to build up. Doesn't take much to reduce water flow in our small RV faucets.
Clean all the screens you will most likely have pressure right away. :C