msmith1199 wrote:
Now that it has reset, there is nothing you can do about it other than to determine the real miles and just add those on to what the odometer shows. But here is something to keep in mind. I took my RV to Speedco for an oil change and they asked for the mileage. I told the girl the miles on the odometer isn't right so don't bother. She said she needed to enter something so she said she would just put down 100,000. Well I know it's only about 40,000 but I almost let her do that. Then I changed my mind and told her to put down 40,000 if she had to list something.
I later learned about Carfax. These oil change places and even the dealers report all this info to Carfax. So if I would have let her put down 100,000 that would have got reported and then when it came time to sell my motorhome it would be problem if somebody ran a Carfax report.
At least in Vermont (and I think it's the same in most or all states), when you sell it you're required to fill out an odometer statement and, in this case, indicate that the odometer reading is not the correct milage. Anybody who would otherwise accept a vehicle with an odometer statement that says the odometer milage is incorrect but then reject it because the Carfax report indicates odd mileage reports is not thinking too clearly.