You have to understand about Special orders. MOST dealers require a cash, NON REFUNDABLE deposit on Special order Coaches. It all depends on what is special ordered. IF the Special order is NOT a regular optioned unit, then the dealer requires a NON REFUNDABLE cash deposit. That means that IF you do NOT buy that unit for any reason you lose your deposit. The reason you lose your deposit is simple. THAT RV may have unusual or options that MOST customers will not want. That means the dealer is stuck with a oddball RV that will be harder to sell. If you have a trade, you can trade early and usually forgo the cash deposit. We sell a LOT of Class B Leisure motorhomes. We had a Lady that special ordered a Leisure with NO APU. ALL our Leisures come with APU's. The unit came in and she refused to buy it because the Lavy sink drained to the Black tank. THEY ALL DO. But she used the excuse that she was NOT told about this and wanted out. We had a $50,000 deposit on this unit. We gave her money back and kicked her off the dealership. NOT really, but got rid of her as fast as we could. WE COULD HAVE kept the $50k, or even kept $5k to buy and install the APU. But, in the long run, getting rid of her was the best course of action. Since she was a flake, we wanted nothing to do with her and purchased and installed the APU, and then sold the RV. We made a little money but not as much as if the RV came with the APU. BUT, taking a deposit is a reality. Lets say, you did NOT leave a deposit and the unit (2015) came in and it was a hot seller, and the dealer sold it for a higher price than what you agreed too. Would you be happy then? A Deposit keeps that motorhome for you. $5k is not that much money to hold an expensive RV for you to be ordered. AS always, you need to trust your dealer. Doug