Kakruk wrote:
What other gadgets do I need for a trip?
Water filter?
Water pressure gauge?
Electric tester thingy?
How much propane do you travel with for a weekend? Do you travel el with two 20s?
Please share your tips and favorite add ons
- we did quite nicely for the first 15-yrs without a water filter until our second MH came equipped with one. i don't consider one a 'must'.
- a water pressure regulator is a good idea as long as it's a real regulator. the cheapies fir <$10 don't do a proper job. look into a Watts pressure regulator.
- if by electric tester thingy you mean a meter to check the voltage and polarity at the post BEFORE you hookup then yes i would get a VOM...volt ohm meter.
- suggest you fill your LP tanks rather than trying to guess how much you'll need.