So much confusion........
Motorhomes...Class A, B, C have propane TANKS (permanent mounted....owner does not remove for filling).
Propane TANKS are under ASME/NFPA jurisdiction which does NOT require ANY form of inspection/certification/requalification UNLESS tank has been damaged by fire/accident
Travel trailers/5th wheels----trailers that have 'Portable' removable propane CYLINDERS (4# to 100#) are under the DOT jurisdiction and must be recertified 12 yrs AFTER mfg. date STAMPED on collar
(DOT 'considered' 12 yr rule change to 10 yr BUT it never was implemented and was HALTED ------
DOT 10 year rule HALTED)
Propane TANKS ------NO
Propane CYLINDERS ---YES (12 yrs after mfg date then 5 or 7 yrs)
This information is FOR the OP and others residing in the USA
(Canada has its own set of rules and they vary depending on Province)
OP....go somewhere else and get your propane TANK refilled
U-haul, Tractor Supply, A BULK propane Dealer and forget about using THAT propane truck for delivery (driver is an idiot----if he doesn't know the correct rules then he probably shouldn't be handling/delivery propane cause he is an idiot)