kerrlakeRoo wrote:
I have one in my home (S&B) and dont like it. We have to trickle water from the bathroom sink to keep the volume through the water heater high enough to keep the unit from switching off. Being on a well my pressure fluctuates between 45 and 65 PSI, and tankless units want a perfectly constant flow to maintain a temp so its not a good match. And an RV has the added issue of limited storage for both fresh and gray water making that even more problematic.
I don’t know what brand or how old your heater is but you have a problem. Yes you need a certain flow to kick it on but you shouldn’t need to open another faucet. They don’t need a perfectly constant flow as you said, just enough flow to kick the burner on.
I have a Noritz and am on a well and have zero problems. Rv system is a different story.