all good suggestions.
If you suspect fuel or a fuel line issue, this what I did. I had a fuel line issue or suspected one. Genny wouldn't start or I should say, started and then crapped out. So, I did the following.
- Remove fuel line from genny.
- Got a 3 - 4 foot piece of fuel line and a gas can full of gas.
- Hooked everything up to the genny.
- Genny started.
- Followed fuel line all the way back to tank and cut line as close to tank as possible.
- Bought enough fuel line to replace old line and spliced in new line.
Once I got the genny started I removed the filters exposing the carb. I then sprayed carb cleaner into the carb to give it a good cleaning. Lots of yellow junk came out. Waited for the cleaner to evap and then started the genny again. With the genny running, I sprayed the carb again with short bursts of cleaner making sure the genny never stopped, did this several times. The genny now purs like a kitten.
What I found was that the old fuel line had dried out and was most likely allowing air in. Using the gas can and small piece of fuel line helped me to eliminate the gas in the tank and the existing fuel line.