Great posts by Paul and others.
Most likely your genie is just suffering for the "I ain't run it too long and my fuel has gone sour" blues.
Some might take it to the local cummins shop for some big busks repairs, but really, what Paul outlined above will fix it right up.
I'd add that you should put a double shot of stabil or seafoam in the RV tank, or of she is being horribly stubborn, in a gas can with the gennies fuel hose stuck in it.
This is a lawnmower engine. Nothing fancy, and nothing complicated. The 20hp v2 Yamaha in my toro is way more complicated than the onan 5500 in the gasser I used to have.
Carb cleaner and starting fluid will be your friend.
In the future, stabil or seafoam, fill the motorhome tank to the top, run the genny half an hour (under load, turn on both a/c's) before any storage that will last more than a month. If you're not sure then just do it, certainly cannot hurt.