Forum Discussion

Chatter210's avatar
Oct 31, 2016

Onan Generator - Extended warranty experience question

I have Onan 4K generator with only 125 hours that is no longer starting. Continues to crank, no warning codes other than 'over crank'. Has always worked perfectly until last week. It had not been run for about 2 months, and now has all the symptoms of a gummed up carburetor.

Question: I have an extended service contract (exclusionary) that covers the generator for many things such as 'all internally lubricated parts' etc, but does anyone have know (or have experience) with coverage when my situation occurs? Do they generally cover the carb when it results from non-use?
  • When ever my 4000 gets warmed up the choke thermal spring binds and does not release when it cools down. Next time starting, without any choking, it will crank over but not fire up. I always have to fiddle with the choke link to make it free again and away we go...for another cycle.
  • Most extended warranty companies will not pay for this repair, as it is not considered to ba a mechanical part failure, nor does Onan consider this as a warrantable failure. Although you should exercise the genset at least monthly, two months non-use time should not really be long enough to varnish up carb.
    Check wiring from solenoid in carb. bowl, making sure grounding screw is tight on ground wire (black). If you have a spark tester, check for spark at plug wire.
    have seen more than a few units with wiring damage from rodents (mice)chewing through magneto or coil wire..
    If it is determined that carb is problem, it is probably better to replace it, as cleaning not always effective, as OP stated
  • Kit Carson wrote:
    As I understand it the carb has to be replaced. It cannot be taken apart and cleaned.

    As a practical matter, that is true.

    You might get lucky with a professional dis-assembly and cleaning but probably would spend 1/2 to 2/3 the money of a replacement.

    The PO of mine had it cleaned twice, at two different places, with only marginal results. It has been humming along for about 2 years now with it's new one.

    NOTE: A dose of a good carb cleaner about twice a year is likely to save you money in the future. Berrymans B12 Chemtool and Gumout are the best. Calculate a dose based on how much gas is in the main tank; it will be good for the engine fuel too.
  • Full tank. checked the fuel flow at the carb fuel line while cranking and it's excellent.
  • I had a very similar situation last month with my Onan 4K generator. The bill was $465.88 and the deductible on my plan is $500.00. As I understand it the carb has to be replaced. It cannot be taken apart and cleaned.