Forum Discussion

nascarmark's avatar
Jun 25, 2014

Onan Generator 5500 Gold Fuel Pum

$900 for a Onan 5500 Marques Gold generator fuel pump installed in a 2007 motorhome, is this reasonable? This is at a Cummins dealer/shop, they diagnosed the problem as well.
  • Paid about $120 for mine and changed it today in about 30 minutes. You have been had.
  • Is the generator a diesel? If so, a fuel pump can be quite costly.
  • The MH is at an RV Dealer for some minor repairs about 100 miles from where we live. The closest Cummins shop is only about 5 miles from them, they took it to Cummins for me, they are also who called with the price. I told them the total cost sounded really high and I asked for a breakdown - they didn't have it? They did say they would email me. Currently waiting but will post it when I get it.
  • WOW. Did they give you a breakdown of Parts and labor?
    Part is probably not over $200.00 on the internet. Cannot tell for sure sans model number.
    You are entitled to a breakdown of the charges so ask for it. If labor is high get the rig out of there and see if a mobile repair guy will come and fix it.
    If you are handy and the pump on yours is like most it can be replaced easily by an electric fuel pump from NAPA