Forum Discussion

moparcanuck's avatar
Aug 08, 2013

Onan Generator No Start

I have an intermitant problem on my 94 Newmar I'm hoping someone can help with.

It has a Onan Emerald 6500 Watt gas generator. It will often start just fine, no problems. However, once in a while, it won't start. I hit the button, and I get a single loud click, and that's it. I found lots of posts commenting on loud clicking (as in multiple clicks), but in my case I get one click only.

My high tech solution has been to find that if I take a good size wrench, and while holding the start button, whack the side of the genny control panel, it will fire right up.

I'm thinking either the starter solenoid or the starter itself, but that's as far as I can take it myself. Hoping someone else has seen this before.

  • Yup, use your digital voltmeter to check for good voltage when you hit the start button:

    Starter lug to generator:

    Starter lug to good chassis ground (clean metal):

    That will tell you if you have an issue with 12 VDC and if so, point you to ground or positive. As always, also check the battery end of ground and positive terminal lugs.
  • Had the same issue. Pull the starter out test it with 12 volts. On the ears. If it fails to spin put the ground on the metal case and try. If it spins use 2 number 8 wire from through bolts on starter to ground problem solved.
  • This is just a guess, but I have had the same symptoms with an old 8N tractor. The problem may be a loose connection in the 12 volt system providing power to the starting circuit (positive or ground). I'd disconnect, inspect, and clean the large 12 cable connections, especially those at the battery. I think what is happening is that, while usually a connection is being made, sometimes the connection surface area is small, and when the starter solenoid engages, the weak connection is oxidized by the heat of the larger current flow trying to turn the starter. Thus too much voltage is dropped at the bad connection to enable the starter to crank the engine.