Forum Discussion

gstep50's avatar
Jul 03, 2013

onan generator not working

the other day someone store my aux battery when i replaced it with a new one i accidently connected a ground wire to the positive post of the aux battery which burned the wire. I since replaced the wire and the 30amp fuse on the fender well. Now my generator will not start can someone tell me what steps to take so i can isolate the problem.
1983 ford Jamboree Fleetwood

the generator is an onan
  • According to my manual, the trouble shooting of the generator engine revolves around:

    Engine does not crank.
    Engine cranks but does not start.
    Engine cranks very slowly.

    What is your situation?
  • gstep,

    SON gave you the best answer you will get anywhere. If you were to prowl the web (like with Google) and find some service data for your SPECIFIC Onan and then find a friend that is capable with electrics, he may be able to tell you just how much damage you actually did.

    You should also look things over. Such a move often takes out converters, inverters and radios, too.

  • I see that we're talking about an '83 Jamboree. What type of generator is it? I would check for a blown fuse on the control board if it has one.
