Well it has taken me a while but I finally just ordered a replacement generator. A friend and I installed it today but it does not seem to want to run. The only thing that is standing out to me is that I connected the positive battery cable to the generator but I do not see a negative cable. Hate to sound ultra stupid here but should'nt I be connecting a negative cable? Generator is a Onan Emerald 5000 gas.
Well Sir, let me ask, when you say "it doesn't want to run", does that mean it cranks over but, doesn't start? Or, it won't crank over at all?
When you say you don't see a negative battery cable to hook up to the gen, did you remove one from the other gen you replaced? The last gas gen we had was an Emerald 5500 in our last coach, a '99 Fleetwood Bounder, 34V. And, that gen was rubber mounted so, it did in fact, need a good ground strap from the gen housing to a good ground on the frame of the coach.
And, you may or may not know this but, all factory generators are plumbed so that they stop running when, you've got only 1/4 tank of fuel left. The theory is, they (the factory) doesn't want you running your fuel tank all the way down to nothing, in the middle of the desert while dry camping, 'cause you're running the generator for whatever purpose. Good luck and please post what you find out on the issue of not running/cranking.