I also heard that tire cleaner will work! Cleaning the windows with ammonia based cleaner definitely leaves streaks in the finish too.
Actually I didn't mind removing it after 2 years and reapplying. I used the stripper and just went over it well, like the original preparation. Didn't notice any staining of our concrete driveway though. Then I redid the prep but didn't have to scrub black stuff off the filon--guess gunk doesn't stick with the RMP on. I notice that I don't have the chalking we experienced with just wax either. I did have trouble working on the overhead and noticed some uneven patches there on the second application. Maybe I didn't get all the stripper rinsed off well. The finish definitely yellowed a bit over a couple of years, but it stayed slick and easy to clean. All surface wax is a pain to remove isn't it?
I bought some Zep last fall because my RMP was empty and hope to redo it again this spring. But I'm seriously thinking of just removing most of the cracked decals. My complaint was that it didn't seem to protect the decals at all. The process is LOTS easier and longer lasting than a good wax job, especially for an older RV that needs to be brought back from fading and chalking.
As far as asking the manufacturer--I wonder what Bounce manufacturers would say about using their product to remove bug goo or whatever else RVers use it for? Although not the original intention for the product, people use it in lots of ways. If the manufacturer said yes, go ahead, would they get sued if someone felt their product rubbed off the finish?