A quick search shows that you most likely have a Ford F53 chassis with a V10. You should think of your MH as TWO separate entities. The chassis, made by Ford, and the coach, made/assembled by Mountain High Coachworks. You should be able to find a Ford Owners manual online. Google is your friend. You should also be able to find a Ford Factory Shop/Service manual with wiring diagrams FOR THE CHASSIS ONLY. (if you are so inclined) For the coach, you'll most likely have to rely on the individual component manufacturers owner/operators/installation manuals which are available online. Google is your friend, again. There is fairly good documentation available for things like the generator, water heater, rooftop A/C units, furnace, refrigerator, converter, water pump, toilet, stairs, etc. Just find the model# (on the unit itself) and have the year handy when researching. It's not a newer car, its an older motor home.
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