Since they are so cheap, I use two different GPS units in our coach. One is a Garmin and the other is a TomTom. We picked those two because they each get their GPS data from a different source. We also have the Rand McNally paper road maps as a back up.
Basically both GPS units are set for fastest time so that we can compare routes apples to apples. In most cases, the route given on each unit is the same. We have only had a few instances where they differed and then it a very slight difference. We once had the TomTom unit say the RV park we were going to was located on the right, when, in fact it was located on the left side of the road, as noted by the Garmin GPS.
One thing we have found is that if you rely on any GPS unit exclusively, you will occasionally find yourself on a road that you would like to avoid. You will also find that construction issues can alter the course that you would prefer to use. GPS units are great and only take a few minutes to learn to use properly.
Using your phone or other method for navigation takes just as much time to use properly. I personally like having a nice big 7" screen in front of me and not having to mess around with anything while I am driving. My wife is using the other GPS unit to verify that I am on course and to look for RV parks down the road for us to spend the evening. This has worked for us for a long time and we have never been sent down a road where we had to disconnect the toad and turn around.