As I sat reading this thread, I had a thought, isn't it amazing that in a few short years we have gone from folding maps and atlases to an electronic devise a lot thicker but no bigger than the wallet I carried in my suit coats years ago.
In the sixties and seventies while we were tent camping with the girls, we relied on folded maps to go from point "A" to point "B". But often had to stop somewhere and get a local area folding map or get oral instructions from a "Gas Station Attendant" to find a specific location.
I bought our first GPS in 2011 before we left on a trip that ended up being 10 weeks and 12,500 miles long. We learned the settings of that first GPS were more complicated than imagined. I'm a little hesitant to jump in and explore what each setting really does but I finally found the setting that while excellent for highway driving, took us off at the first exit for a town and sent us down local streets to get to a campground on the other side of town just a quarter mile from the exit we could have taken and have missed all those stop signs and signals. We learned that the settings for "No Left Turn" or "No U Turn" could send us miles out of our way.
Some miscreant stole that and all of my portable travel electronics.
So today we have two GPS devises. One is in my DW's vehicle and one is in my office and can be used in any vehicle we are traveling in. When we're in the MoHo we use both, sort of a cross check at times and just a verification of our route at other times. Besides I like to check my speed and other data given by the GPS, especially when the DW falls asleep and has the GPS on mute and I miss an important turn.
I haven't found the need for trucker maps or atlases nor for an RV or Truckers GPS and I'm sure that someday I'll run afoul of a low bridge or narrow bridge I don't want to traverse with the Winnie, but they are amazing instruments to see and I wonder about who gathered and coded all of that information in a little 3" television receiver.
It is even more amazing that we have driven across this contry and see sights like Registry of the Desert where we saw pictures of folks from the tens, twenties and thirties who didn't have a map showing how to get anywhere, in many cases the only information was in a book they read and the AAA signs placed before there were DOTs.
It sort of keeps my RV live style where I'm driving a house around and following the directions some little black box voices, in perspective. Not much to complain about "EH".