westernrvparkowner wrote:
Likely a marketing move. Get all your expenses set up a la carte and you can advertise a lower base rate. Not any different than when you see an ad for an automobile and the "starting at" price. When you freeze the frame and get out your magnifying glass you can see that the actual vehicle they are showing has a price about 50 percent higher than that "starting at" price.
Installing meters would be cheap. They would cost less than $100 in bulk, last nearly forever, and are easy to install. Only big hassle would be reading them each month and I believe in Florida than can charge a fee for that. If water costs the park $20.00 a site, that's a $20.00 lower monthly rate they can offer against a competitor who doesn't meter and charge for the water. For many people that base price is the determining factor and that appears to be the market Sun Communities are seeking.
Now days can you buy a meter that is read manually? Seems there's nothing without an App. :)