want-a-be wrote:
Staying here in Florida at Blueberry Hill a Sun Community RV park. They just got finish installing water meters so we can start paying for water! Was wondering if any other parks or charging for water and the names of the parks that are!
Also how much or your water bills running?
I don't think there is even any parks that 'do' charge for water around this area!
The first time I came down to Florida I checked out Blueberry Hill CG.
What a joke! They charged you for everything and I mean charged you big time. It was like living in a subdivision with real bad HOA rules and fees too. And the CG was most certainly nothing to write home about. I put my MH in reverse and just left after seeing the rate charts and all the fees and restrictions.
So it's no surprise to me they are now going to charge for water too. Next maybe the air you breath at your site!! :B
It certainly was not that I could not afford it but there are FAR nicer CG's in that same area. I sure wouldn't stay there if I had to pay for water and electricity!
Florida is pushing and will ultimately get there were everyone will be required to hook up to sewers. They are really looking into the input of how much sewage is going into the ground at CG's.
My guess is, that water fee is going into their fund for when the state pulls their plug on being a a septic and they have to hook up to sewers and the fees that will go along with that.