mowermech wrote:
Ralph Cramden wrote:
want-a-be wrote:
They just got finish installing water meters so we can start paying for water!
Perhaps you should rephrase?
They just got finish installing water meters so we can start knowing we have been paying for water.
You were always paying for water.
During the same day threads pop up about paying for water and paying for electricity. IMO if you intend to ***** and moan about that, then you should go elsewhere where its buried in the overall cost and you can think you're getting it for free. It's not a surprising development however knowing what the demographic of this forum is.
Of course, that is true. But do you really think they will reduce the lot rent now that everybody (at least the long term renters) is paying for water (and/or electric)?
I wonder if they are going to have the meters (or already did) calibrated? In many states, if you are charging for something by weight or volume, the measuring instrument must be calibrated by a State approved agency.
We spent three months in a CA RV park near Oceano, where they were installing electric meters on all the long term stay lots. Then suddenly they removed all the meters, and re-installed them a month later, with a new certified calibration sticker on them. They also, so we were told, found that they could only charge what they were paying for electricity. A profit was not allowed unless they got a state license as a Utility Company.
If I was a park owner I would forego meters, set my prices as per below and make a profit on the utilities.
Base nightly rate. $15.00
Weekend/Holiday.Add. $4.00
Electric. Add. $6.50
Water. Add. $8.00
Sewer. Add. $5.50
(Showers and
Flush toilets
in park, charge
everyone) Add. $4.00
Extra vehicle. Add. $5.00
Pet site
(Charge even if
no pet) Add. $2.00
Total. $50.00 per night.
I would make a profit that way on the utilities.
Oooooops, that's the PA DCNR price structure for State Park Campgrounds.