RobWNY wrote:
In another thread, someone posted that all SUN RV Resorts are installing water meters so it must be a corporate decision rather than an individual park having increased water expense issues. I have no problem paying for what I use but I just don't like it when park owners make money on my use too. For instance, I looked at staying at two RV parks that were in the same municipality. Right next door to each other actually. One charges .10/kWh for electricity and the other park charges .14/kWh The Municipality has to be charging the same price to the Park owners so why the difference in cost to the people visiting the park? The same can happen for water too. I guess one can argue that one park may have installed new equipment and has to pay for it while the other park is using old equipment already paid off but I doubt it. It's more likely an unethical park owner making money where he shouldn't be.
It is called Capitalism. One business is perfectly FREE to charge whatever he wants. There is nothing unethical about it. The customer is also FREE to take his business elsewhere.
Just a few days ago, as an advertising experiment, PayLess shoes set up a high end display in New York for their shoes, but they came up with a new name for the store........Palessi.
To their surprise, people paid $645 for shoes that were sold in their other store for $39.95. The purchasers raved about the high quality materials and workmanship for the exact same shoes they could have bought at PayLess. They were eventually given their money back, but it was a great lesson in how free enterprise works. For whatever reason, some consumers are willing to pay much more for a product than others, just because they figure that a higher price MUST mean high quality.
There is NOTHING unethical about what an RV park owner decides to charge for his RV sites. Perhaps he is offering more amenities. That is for the consumer to decide if the higher price is worth it.